The hardest to forgive

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us (Luke 11:4; NLT).

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34; NLT).


Lord God,

Please help me to forgive
Those who know
They’ve hurt me,
But won’t apologise –

For they
Are the hardest people
To forgive.

4 thoughts on “The hardest to forgive

  • Oh, that is a hard one. I think there are times when we need to think of our own peace of mind. It can tear us apart longing for justification. If those people find it impossible to acknowledge the hurt they caused, perhaps we should let them go but continue to pray for the ability to forgive, despite the absence of an apology or, at least, an acknowledgment. I read a prayer this morning asking for the ability to love, not with the kind of love we are able to feel, but with the kind of love Jesus felt.

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