One step at a time

You help us to become like Christ,
Just one step at a time.

You show us how to grow in love,
Just one step at a time.

You teach us how to speak the truth,
Just one step at a time,

To self, to you, to others, Lord,
Just one step at a time.

Then we will walk as Jesus did,
Just one step at a time,

Rejoicing in the light of life, 
Just one step at a time.



Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ (Ephesians 5:2; NLT).

Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children, and walk in the way of love (Ephesians 5:2; NIV).

We will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ (Ephesians 4:15; NLT).

What joy for those […] whose lives are lived in complete honesty! (Psalm 32:2; NLT).

Jesus was filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit (Luke 10:21; NLT). 

Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life (John 8:12; NIV).

Complete honesty

What joy for those […] whose lives are lived in complete honesty! (Psalm 32:2; NLT).


Almighty God,
You want us to be honest –

You desired our frankness
Before birth.   

Help us speak the truth in love 
To others,

So we may share the joy of Christ 
On earth.

Almighty God,
You want us to be honest –

To speak the truth to you
Both day and night.

Help us to be frank with you,
As Christ was,

So we may walk with you, Lord, 
In your light.



Lord, you are searching for honesty (Jeremiah 5:3; NLT).

You desire honesty from the womb (Psalm 51:6; NLT).

We will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ (Ephesians 4:15; NLT).

Pray constantly (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; NIV).

If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine (Matthew 26:39; NLT).

Let us walk in the light of the Lord! (Isaiah 2:5; NLT).

Water into wine

Hello everyone. The work of a poet is never done! I’ve just made some revisions in today’s prayer, and thought some of you might be interested to see the difference changing a word or two can make:


You are amazing!

You spilled
Your precious blood

So all my sins
Can be transformed,

And turned, instead, 
To love.

You are amazing!

I’m yours,
And you are mine.

Now all my sins 
Have turned to love –

Like water 
Into wine.



The Lord has done amazing things for us! (Psalm 126:3; NLT).

This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:28; NIV).

Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think (Romans 12:2; NLT).

My beloved is mine and I am his (Song of Songs 2:16; NIV).

He came to Cana, where he had turned the water into wine (John 4:46; NLT).

Love and consolation


May I still 
My busy mind,

Creating time and space
For contemplation.

Then I will hear 
Your quiet voice,

Expressing all your love 
And consolation.



Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10; NIV).

Be silent before the Sovereign Lord (Zephaniah 1:7; NIV).

After the fire there was the sound of  gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:12; NLT).

He loves us with unfailing love (Psalm 117:2; NLT).

I will turn their mourning into joy, give them consolation, and bring happiness out of grief (Jeremiah 31:1; CSB).

Life on earth



If, one by one, 
We give up trying to seek you,

Dropping our attempts 
To love and serve 

Till there are no believers left 
At all,

What will the future hold
For life on earth?



Keep on seeking, and you will find (Matthew 7:7; NLT).

If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me (Jeremiah 29:13; NLT).

The Lord looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. All have turned away, all have become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one. Do all these evildoers know nothing? They devour my people as though eating bread; they never call on the Lord (Psalm 14:2-4; NIV).

Live forever!

At your birth
The angels sing;

In the heavens
Praises ring.

In the temple
Seeking truth –

Far beyond
Your tender youth.

At the river,
Truth descends;

On the mountain,
Light transcends. 

At the Supper,

In the garden, 

Then, at last,
Comes your arrest –

So much hatred

Yet, when questioned, 
You stay mute –

All are free 
To persecute.

On the cross,
Your darkest hour;

Pain and sorrow

In the tomb,
Death cannot win –

You live forever,
Heavenly King!



The angel was joined by a vast host of others […] praising God (Luke 2:13; NLT). 

They finally discovered him in the Temple, sitting among the religious teachers, listening to them and asking questions (Luke 2:46; NLT).

After his baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on him (Matthew 3:16; NLT).

He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light (Matthew 17:2; NIV). 

This is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and his people. It is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many (Matthew 26:28; NLT).

He was in such agony of spirit that his sweat fell to the ground like great drops of blood (Luke 22:44; NLT).

So the soldiers, their commanding officer, and the Temple guards arrested Jesus and tied him up (John 18:12; NLT).

“Hail! King of the Jews!” they mocked, as they slapped him across the face (John 19:3; NLT).

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Mark 15:34; NLT).

Death could not keep him in its grip (Acts 2:24; NLT).

He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf (Hebrews 7:25; NLT).

Your servant


Lord, I am your servant.
I want to do your will.

Every time I falter, 
May I serve you still. 

Lord, I am your servant.
I want to do my best.

Every time I stumble,
Help me through the test. 

Lord, I am your servant.
I want to serve you well.

Every time I tumble,
Rescue me from hell.

Lord, I am your servant,
Although the very least. 

When my life is over,
Let me die in peace.



I am the Lord’s servant.  (Luke 1:38; NLT).

Everyone will be tested with fire (Mark 9:49; NLT).

He rescues me (Psalm 35:9; NLT).

Not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:38; NLT).

Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all (Mark 9:35; NIV).

How fleeting my life is (Psalm 39:4; NLT).

Let your servant die in peace, as you have promised (Luke 2:29; NLT).

Our pearl

You are our pearl 
Beyond all price;

Our Shepherd King,  
Our way,
Our sacrifice;

Our gold, our goal,
Our Saviour,
And our spur;

Our fragrant oil, 
Our frankincense,
Our myrrh.



The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking out for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it! (Matthew 13:45-6; NIV).

The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need (Psalm 23:1; NLT).

I am the way (John 14:6; NLT).

God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin (Romans 3:25; NLT).

Let love be your highest goal (1 Corinthians 14:1; NLT).

He has sent us a mighty Saviour! (Luke 1:69; NLT).

A woman came to Him having an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and she poured it on His head as He sat at the table (Matthew 26:7; NKJV).

Then they opened their treasure and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh (Matthew 2:11; NIV). 

A grace


May all I eat
Become your living body.

May all I drink
Become your precious blood.

May all my drugs
Become your healing touch, Lord.

May all I am
Become one with your love.



Jesus took some bread and blessed it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying, “Take this and eat it, for this is my body” (Matthew 26:26; NLT).

He took a cup of wine […] He gave it to them and said, “Each of you drink from it, for this is my blood” (Matthew 26:27-8; NLT).

They begged him to touch the man and heal him (Mark 8:22; NLT).

You are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28; NLT).

Whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit (1 Corinthians 6:17; NIV).

In this pathless waste


In this pathless waste   
Each weary day,

You are the gate, 
The shepherd, 
And the way.

Through the lonely darkness 
Of each night,

You are the Christ,
The Son of God,
The light.

On this hungry earth
We crave a sign.

You are the bread,
The water,
And the wine.

In this evil world,
Where death runs rife,

You are the 
And the life. 



I am the gate (John 10:9; NLT).

I am the good shepherd (John 10:11; NLT).

I am the way (John 14:6; NLT).

You are the Christ, the Son of the living God (Matthew 16:16; NKJV).

I am the light of the world (John 8:12; NLT).

I am the bread of life (John 6:35; NLT).

Rivers of living water will flow from my heart (John 7:38; NLT).

He took a cup of wine […] He gave it to them and said, “Each of you drink from it, for this is my blood” (Matthew 26:27-8; NLT).

We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God (Titus 2:12; NLT).

I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25; NLT).