Hell on earth

How terrible it will be for pregnant women and for nursing mothers in those days (Matthew 24:19; NLT). 

I pray for those whose lives
Are hell on earth:
The sick; the grieving;
Those who lack self-worth;

The homeless; those in prison;
Lost; abused;
The poor; the dying;
Those who are confused;

Those with mental illness;
Lonely; sad;
And those who are rejected –
Seen as ‘bad’;

The hungry; refugees,
And those who thirst
For hope, Lord:
Help us all to put them first.

Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:42-5; NLT).

The last will be first, and the first will be last (Matthew 20:16; NIV).


Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and plagues in many lands (Luke 21:10-11; NLT).

They are like stunted shrubs in the desert, with no hope for the future. They will live in the barren wilderness, in an uninhabited salty land (Jeremiah 17:6; NLT).

I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before him? (Psalm 42:2; NLT).

When the poor and needy search for water and there is none, and their tongues are parched from thirst, then I, the LORD, will answer them. I, the God of Israel, will never abandon them (Isaiah 41:17; NLT). 

Love your neighbour as yourself (Leviticus 19:18; NLT).

Love the stranger (Deuteronomy 10:19; NKJV).

Show love to foreigners (Deuteronomy 10:19; NLT).

Love your enemies (Matthew 5:44; NLT). 

When you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me (Matthew 25:45; NLT).

9.1.24: Sharing and caring

121385620: Pixabay.

Praise be to the Lord, to God our Saviour, who daily bears our burdens.
(Psalm 68:19; NIV). 

In prayer a few nights ago, I realised that God constantly shares, and cares about, all the pain, grief, fear and suffering people are experiencing throughout the world.

As I reflected on this, I wondered how it might feel for God to open his heart in this way.

Then I saw that, to a very small degree, we, too, experience something similar when we genuinely care about others who are suffering. 

They might be people we know: family members, neighbours, friends, acquaintances or colleagues. Stretching our hearts a little wider, we might include those we see in the streets, read about in the news, or glimpse on television, whilst not forgetting about those who are harming other people.

Opening our hearts a bit further, we can feel for the numberless millions who are suffering, even though we never hear anything about them. This could include, for example, those giving birth, or being born; the sick and disabled in body, mind, heart and soul, as well as the dying and the bereaved. Let’s not forget the poor, and those in prison, too.

Similarly, we can widen our hearts to care about everyone who is being abused, discriminated against, rejected, persecuted, hated and attacked, as well as all those caught up in wars.

Going a little further, there are always people who are hungry, thirsty, lonely, homeless and stateless, including refugees, as well as all those who lack security and medical care.

Sometimes we might be even able to expand our hearts still more, briefly sharing with God the immense weight of caring about the millions who are suffering all around the world. However, it is very hard for us to maintain this state of mind and heart for long periods.

God, on the other hand, is infinitely strong. He is also pure, perfect love (1 John 4:8; NLT). He cares for everyone, all the time. Unimaginable, isn’t it? Yet we are called upon to become like him.

Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him (Colossians 3:10; NLT).


The Lord is good to everyone; his compassion rests on all he has made (Psalm 145:9; CSB).

In all their suffering he also suffered (Isaiah 63:9; NLT). 

He bears our sins, and is pained for us (Isaiah 53:4; BST). 

Put on your new nature, created to be like God – truly righteous and holy (Ephesians 4:24; NLT).

A reading from Matthew 25:34-40; NLT.

The King will say to those on his right, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.”

Then these righteous ones will reply, “Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?”

And the King will say, “I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!”

4.10.23: Tricked

geralt: Pixabay.

Early yesterday morning, as I sleepily finished saying the Lord’s Prayer and began to pray for the people who scammed us last week, the first four lines and the shape of today’s poem struck me very forcefully.

From within, out of a person’s heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you (Mark 7:21-23; NLT). 

It’s better to be tricked
Than to trick others.
It’s better to be hated
Than to hate.
It’s better, Lord, to suffer
Than to lie, and cheat, and steal,
But better still to feel ashamed –
Before it’s far too late.

It’s better to be kind
Than to be angry.
It’s better to be patient
Than to rage.
It’s better to be martyred
Than to harm, abuse, or kill,
But best of all is to repent –
For You, alone, can save.

Our God is a God who saves! The Sovereign LORD rescues us from death (Psalm 68:20; NLT).


Verse 1

If your hand – even your stronger hand – causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell (Matthew 5:30; N,T).

Abraham said to him, “Son, remember that during your lifetime you had everything you wanted, and Lazarus had nothing. So now he is here being comforted, and you are in anguish. And besides, there is a great chasm separating us. No one can cross over to you from here, and no one can cross over to us from there” (Luke 16:25-6; NLT).

Verse 2

Love does no wrong to others, so love fulfills the requirements of God’s law (Romans 13:10; NLT). 

The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-3; NLT).

From then on Jesus began to preach, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near” (Matthew 4:17; NLT).

Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins (Acts 2:38; NLT).

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners (1 Timothy 1:15; NLT).

There is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away! (Luke 15:7; NLT).

27.9.23: Heaven

trestletech: Pixabay.

This prayer arose spontaneously out of my silence yesterday, resolving my long-standing fear of having to meet my mother again one day, in heaven.

My mother is a part of me,
And I, Lord, am a part of her.
Despite the suffering she caused,
Our primal linkage will endure.

Lord, I’ve forgiven her abuse –
Through prayer, I’ve let it go, at last.
I understand her suffering,
Her rage, her devastating past.

I used to dread that I would have
To meet her when my race is run.
But now I know she cannot hurt me
Any more, for we’ll be one

In you, the God who heals us all.
No harm will come to me, just good,
For when you take me in your arms,
I’ll meet my mother in your love.

God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.
(1 John 4:16; NLT).


None will harm or destroy another on My entire holy mountain, for the land will be as full of the knowledge of the LORD as the sea is filled with water (Isaiah 11:9; HCSB).

Nothing harmful will take place on the LORD’s holy mountain. Just as water fills the sea, the land will be filled with people who know and honor the LORD (Isaiah 11:9; CEV). 

They will no longer injure or destroy on my entire royal mountain. For there will be universal submission to the LORD’s sovereignty, just as the waters completely cover the sea (Isaiah 11:9; NET). 

The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox (Isaiah 65:25; NIV).

In those days no one will be hurt or destroyed on my holy mountain. I, the LORD, have spoken! (Isaiah 65:25; NLT). 

The LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations (Psalm 100:5; NIV).

The dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it (Ecclesiastes 12:7; NIV).

6.7.23: You watch

Falco: Pixabay.

This prayer began with a single verse last Tuesday morning, but by end of the day it had grown to four!

Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the LORD our maker, for he is our God. We are the people he watches over, the flock under his care.
(Psalm 95:6-7; NLT). 

1. You watch our rise, Lord,
And our fall;
You lift us up,
And love us all.

2. You know each triumph, gain,
And loss;
You grieve, and help us
Bear our cross.

3. You send our good times,
And our bad;
You comfort us
When we are sad.

4. You share our laughter,
Sickness, tears –
And guide our steps
Through all the years.

You guide me.
(Psalm 73:24; NLT).


Verse 1: They may rise high, but they have no assurance of life (Job 24:22; NLT). 

What is the price of two sparrows – one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it (Matthew 10:29; NLT). 

In his love and mercy he redeemed them. He lifted them up and carried them through all the years (Isaiah 63:9; NLT). 

He loves us with unfailing love; the LORD’s faithfulness endures forever. Praise the LORD! (Psalm 117:2; NLT). 

Verse 2:  Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens (Psalm 68:19; NIV). 

Verse 3: I create the light and make the darkness. I send good times and bad times. I, the LORD, am the one who does these things (Isaiah 45:7; NLT).

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us (2 Corinthians 1:4; NLT). 

Verse 4: In all their suffering he also suffered (Isaiah 63:9; NLT).

Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me (Psalm 23:4; NLT).

Your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life (Psalm 23:6; NIV).

15.6.23: Heaven on earth


Very gently, towards the end of a time of prayer yesterday morning, these verses arose. They grew directly from the first line, which appeared very clearly in my mind. This was followed by seeing the outline of the prayer’s completed shape. Within half an hour today’s blog was finished, apart from checking out the references.

Pray then like this: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
(Matthew 6:9-10; RSV). 

Let’s pray for heaven on earth:
For all who starve and thirst;
For all those who exploit the poor,
And put their own needs first.

Let’s pray for heaven on earth:
For all who are ill-used;
For those who scorn and injure them,
Yet think themselves excused.

Let’s pray for heaven on earth:
For all who must face war;
For those destroying lives and homes,
Who break your sacred law.

Let’s pray for heaven on earth:
The homeless, sick, and lame;
For God, our Lord, loves everyone
So we should do the same.

He loves us with unfailing love (Psalm 117:2; NLT). 

May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else (1 Thessalonians 3:12; NIV).


You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:43-5; NLT).

Love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 12:31; NLT).

Love the stranger (Deuteronomy 10:19; NKJV).

Show love to foreigners (Deuteronomy 10:19; NLT).

Love your enemies (Matthew 5:44; NLT).

“Now which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by bandits?”
Jesus asked. The man replied, “The one who showed him mercy.” Then Jesus said, “Yes, now go and do the same” (Luke 10:36-7; NLT). 

A reading from Matthew 5:17-19; NLT.

I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved. So if you ignore the least commandment and teach others to do the same, you will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But anyone who obeys God’s laws and teaches them will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.

24.4.23: Saying “Yes” to dread

Image by Tobias Hämmer, from Pixabay.

There they are, overwhelmed with dread, where there was nothing to dread (Psalm 53:5; NIV). 


For the last few weeks I have been exploring my chronic sense of *dread (see https://wp.me/p45bCr-dTm, for example). Today’s blog describes a way of handling it which came to me whilst I was praying a few days ago.

Psalm 74

My dread springs from the trauma and emotional damage I experienced when I was young. A passage in Psalm 74 accurately captures the toxic atmosphere in my childhood home:

Turn your steps toward these everlasting ruins, all this destruction the enemy has brought on the sanctuary. Your foes roared in the place where you met with us; they set up their standards as signs. They behaved like men wielding axes to cut through a thicket of trees. They smashed all the carved paneling with their axes and hatchets. They burned your sanctuary to the ground; they defiled the dwelling place of your Name. They said in their hearts, “We will crush them completely!” They burned every place where God was worshiped in the land (Psalm 74:3-8; NIV). 

Praying before my icon

Last Wednesday I stood praying before my icon of Mary. As I touched both her hand and that of the infant Christ, I was longing for my dread to disappear. Suddenly I saw a different attitude to living with my dread. Thanking her, I hurried to write it down.

My notes became a prayer which encapsulates this new way forward. Now, I am trying to say, “Yes” to my dread, and to thank God for it, in accordance with the charism of the Community of Our Lady of Walsingham (p10, The Book of Life, Community of Our Lady of Walsingham; 2022). 

Saying “Yes” to dread

So instead of longing for my dread go away, I now pray like this:

Lord, thank you for my sense of dread. It kept me safe when I was young, never knowing when, or where, the axe of my mother’s fury would fall next.

Please help me to welcome and accept my dread, surrounding it with love and gratitude. I want to rejoice in it as my oldest friend: the primitive, instinctive part of me that has protected me since birth.

Healing touch

After saying a spontaneous version of these words, I lay my hand on my abdomen and whisper to my dread: 

My dearest friend, you can relax now. You no longer need to be constantly vigilant, ready to make me freeze, run away, or hide, in order to protect myself. You and I are in God’s hands, and we are safe now, no matter what happens.

A final prayer

Then I end like this:

Lord, thank you for my dread. Please help me to surround it with love. I ask this in your dear Son’s name. Amen.

Give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18; NIV). 


*The symptoms of Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), include “A pervasive feeling of apprehension or dread” (helpguide.org).

All your waves and breakers have swept over me (Psalm 42:7; NIV).

I am in the hands of the Lord, the Most High is my safe resting-place (Psalm 91:9; BBE).

23.2.23: Feeling unacceptable

The day before yesterday, as soon as I woke, I wrote down the emotions crowding that night’s dream. For the first time in years, this included some positive feelings alongside the usual negatives, although this blog will mainly focus on the negatives:

Negatives: Feeling unacceptable, disliked, rejected, ashamed, unloved, unlovable, a failure, vulnerable, insecure.

Positives: Briefly feeling wanted, joyful, loving, connected with a person, connected with an animal.

A learning opportunity
Dreams are a learning opportunity. Writing down the emotions they generate enables me to connect with aspects of myself it would be much more comfortable to ignore, deny, or suppress.

As I began to pray, I saw that the emotions experienced during my dream were showing me how I feel about myself. Then I understood that throughout my life a lot of my waking behaviour and sense of self have been driven by the negative emotions listed above.

The origins of my fear and insecurity 
The feelings I typically experience during dreams have their origins in my relationship with my mother. As a child, I had no way of understanding them or putting them into words. I instinctively concealed them, because expressing them in any way risked incurring my mother’s criticism, anger and punishment. It was made crystal clear that I was a burden, so, unsurprisingly, I grew up feeling deeply unacceptable to others.

However, I couldn’t hide the effect this had on me. My distress was revealed by behaviours I couldn’t control, including tears, anxiety, fears, lack of confidence, recurrent nightmares, headaches, stress, perfectionism, bed-wetting and sleepwalking.

As I got older, the origin of my fears was buried far beyond conscious awareness. However, my damaged sense of self continued to fester in my unconscious mind, surfacing as panic attacks which seemed to come out of the blue. Anxiety, agoraphobia, claustrophobia and depression went on to dominate my life for many years, until I eventually started to get effective help.

My emotional framework
I see now that all my dreams essentially reveal how I have come to feel about myself as a result of how I was treated as a child. My negative experiences formed the foundation of my adult self-image.

However, alongside this realisation I’m beginning to glimpse that perhaps my feelings about myself don’t actually belong to me at all; they may simply be how I was made to feel when I was young. Hopefully, more will be revealed in the coming days.

Positive emotions
Meanwhile, I haven’t forgotten those rare, positive emotions experienced during my dream. These have given me hope that if my unconscious mind, and therefore my dreams, can change, perhaps my conscious sense of who and what I am can change as well.

So, after that long introduction, here is today’s prayer:

Give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18; NIV). 

Thank  you, Lord God,
With all my heart,
For the secret riches
You give me
From the darkness
Of my unconscious mind.

Through Jesus’ name.

I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness – secret riches (Isaiah 45:3; NLT). 

11.2.23: Healing through dreams

God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds (Job 33:14-15; NLT). 

Forgotten dreams

In prayer yesterday, I saw that when I can’t remember a dream, I can be sure that it contained nothing I need to know about or deal with at present. 

The same is also true when I remember a dream, but no significant theme or emotion stands out. After thanking God for these quiet dreams, I simply let them go. Experience shows that any vague fragments I recall will quickly fade from consciousness.

Recurring dreams

Even if I miss or forget something significant, I’m confident that it will emerge repeatedly in my dreams until I’m ready and able to catch hold of what it has to teach me. This is because the contents of my unconscious mind (memories, traumatic experiences, hidden desires, buried emotions etc), are constantly present, even though I’m not conscious of them. They bubble away beyond awareness, constantly influencing all I feel, think, say and do. They affect how I understand and judge my past, how I react to events in the present, and how I approach the future. They help to determine how I experience life, and how I relate to others.

If I had to face all the contents of my unconscious mind at once, I’m sure I they would overwhelm me. I would become very disturbed, and break down. On the other hand, if I tried to avoid facing them altogether, I would be unable to change, grow and move forward in my life.

Gradual healing, through dreams

Given time, I believe that every significant unresolved experience, trauma and emotion buried in my unconscious mind will gradually be revealed in my dreams. This natural process will continue until I have remembered them all, named them, and written them down. This will enable me to face them one at a time, bring them into the light of my prayers, and asking God to heal them. Thus, through dreams, these issues will no longer remain hidden in darkness, until symptoms such as panic, loss of temper, or despair erupt uncontrollably and without warning, apparently from nowhere.

Cause for rejoicing

So when I check my notebook each morning, I rejoice to see what has been harvested from my unconscious mind during the night. Despite no longer remembering the dreams themselves, their major themes have been safely retrieved and made accessible, ready for prayer. This is all I need.

No surprises for God

Of course, there are no surprises for God in all that surfaces; only for me. This is because God already knows the thoughts of my heart and everything about me that is hidden from conscious awareness. With dreams as my way forward, it’s wonderful to know that even my unconscious mind is being healed.

O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me (Psalm 139:1; NLT).


I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness – secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name (Isaiah 45:3; NLT).

I am the LORD who heals you (Exodus 15:26; NLT).

23.10.22: One word

Context: Today’s prayer arrived very soon after yesterday’s (https://wp.me/p45bCr-cFG). It recognises still further how incredibly fragile and vulnerable we all are:

Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, “Rabbi!” and kissed him. The men seized Jesus and arrested him (Mark 14; 45-6; NIV).

One word,
One kiss,
One cross,
One breath:

We’re just one step
Away from death.

One blow,
One shot,
One bomb,
One breath:

We’re all one step
Away from death.

When you take away their breath, they die and turn again to dust (Psalm 104:29; NLT).


How frail is humanity! How short is life, how full of trouble! (Job 14:1; NLT).

How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog – it’s here a little while, then it’s gone (James 4:14; NLT).

Then the soldiers nailed him to the cross (Mark 15:24; NLT).

Then Jesus shouted, “Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands!” And with those words he breathed his last (Luke 23:46; NLT). 

You do not know the day or hour of my return (Matthew 25:13; NLT). 

We blossom like a flower and then wither. Like a passing shadow, we quickly disappear (Job 14:2; NLT). 

God, the LORD, created the heavens and stretched them out. He created the earth and everything in it. He gives breath to everyone, life to everyone who walks the earth (Isaiah 42:5; NLT).

I’ll sit back and say to myself, “My friend, you have enough stored away for years to come. Now take it easy! Eat, drink, and be merry!” But God said to him, “You fool! You will die this very night. Then who will get everything you worked for?” (Luke 12:19-20; NLT). 

He knows how weak we are; he remembers we are only dust. Our days on earth are like grass; like wildflowers, we bloom and die. The wind blows, and we are gone – as though we had never been here. But the love of the LORD remains forever with those who fear him (Psalm 103:14-17; NLT).

We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves (2 Corinthians 4:7; NLT).