When we cannot walk by faith (with thanks to David)

Image: Mareks Steins, Unsplash


We walk by faith, not by sight
(2 Corinthians 5:7; NKJV).

1. When we cannot walk by faith,
The Lord is with us:
We are safe.

2. When we cannot see his light,
Jesus guides us
Through the night.

3. When we cannot praise, or pray,
His Spirit pleads for us
Each day;

4. And even when we lose all trust,
He’s still holding fast
To us!

Your strong right hand holds me securely
(Psalm 63:8; NLT).



1. I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me (Psalm 16:8; NLT).

You alone, O Lord, will keep me safe (Psalm 4:8; NLT).

2. If you are walking in darkness, without a ray of light, trust in the Lord and rely on your God (Isaiah 50:10; NLT).

I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life (John 8:12; NLT).

3. The Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words (Romans 8:26; RSV).

4. My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? (Psalm 22:1; NLT).

Your strong right hand holds me securely (Psalm 63:8; NLT).

7 thoughts on “When we cannot walk by faith (with thanks to David)

    • You never said a truer word, Alan! How fortunate and blessed we are to have God, and to belong to him. May he bless you both, and help you through today xxxxx

  • Sister Ruth, I don’t know if you’re thanking King David or regular David (me), but I thank God for this latest offering of yours! There was once a moment in my life where I hit rock bottom. I literally had nowhere to look but up. But I had no strength to lift my head. I thank God, because in that moment, He was strong enough for us both. Isaiah 50:10 (which you referenced) was one of the scriptures our Heavenly Father used to bring me back from the brink.

    God’s best to you, always.

    • I’m lying in bed chuckling, David – it’s definitely you that I’m thinking of, and not the wonderful King David! This prayer sprang straight from your words to me, so it is yours. That quote from Isaiah is one of my favourite and most-used verses. Isn’t God amazing? NB I have some very similar moments in my life, so you have all my sympathy. With love from Ruth xxxxx

    • Just thought you might like to share this little story:

      A couple of years ago I had a very bad car crash. I accidentally drove off a cliff because I couldn’t see the edge, or the horizon. The car fell on to the rocks below. It was crushed, and I was trapped inside. I’m very claustrophobic, and panicked immediately. I think I was upside-down but can’t remember clearly.

      I shouted aloud at the top of my voice for God to help me, and was instantly able to release my seat-belt (I’ve no idea how I did this), and to wind down the window a bit. I got my head out, resting it on the rocks, which was a huge relief, and just lay there.

      People soon started to arrive, to help me – litter-picking volunteers, ambulance, fire, coast-guards, police. It took some hours, but they managed to get me out, and took me to hospital. Eventually it became clear that I had cracked one vertebra, so I was allowed to go home. I was very shaken, stiff and sore, but could so easily have been killed. I’m not happy driving now, or shut in cars, or parking on any sort of edge, but I’m alive, and ready to fulfil whatever purpose God has for me. I owe him my life, as do we all. We are in his hands at all times ✝️ xxxxxxx

  • Thank you, Ruth. Your poem resonates with me on the highest level. I appreciate your sharing of the car accident you were involved in, as well. What a harrowing tale! Blessings.

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